Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Urologist and Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgeon
Hypospadias for Medical Personal
Hypospadias - Classification
Classification of hypospadias
The hypospadias is classified as per site of urethral opening. However, exact type is dependent upon surgical findings, as many a time, an anterior hypospadias becomes distal penile hypospadias after degloving.
By the location of the urethral meatus, hypospadias is classified as
Anterior hypospadias
Middle hypospadias
Posterior hypospadias
Anterior Hypospadias
Glanular : meatus on the ventral surface of glans penis.
Coronal : meatus in the balanopenile furrow.
Distal penile: in the distal third of penile urethra.
Middle Hypospadias
These are the hypospadias along the middle third of the penile shaft.
Posterior Hypospadias
Posterior hypospadias extends through the proximal third of penile shaft to the perineum. Such as
Posterior penile: at the base of the shaft
Penoscrotal: at the base of shaft in front of the scrotum.
Scrotal: on the scrotum or between the genital swellings.
Perineal: behind the scrotum or behind the genital swellings.
Differential Diagnosis
It is important to eliminate underlying disorder of sex development (DSD) if associated with unilateral or bilateral undescended testis. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia is a diagnosis that must not be missed and should be considered in females with ambiguous genitalia. If not detected early this can lead to a salt wasting crisis due to cortisol and aldosterone deficiency with androgen excess.
If not concerned about DSD, no other investigation is routinely required.
If there are concerns about DSD, investigations that may be considered are:
Detailed history and examination
Pelvic ultrasound scan
Urea and Electrolytes
Endocrine hormones: Testosterone, 17 alpha-hyroxyprogesterone, LH, FSH, ACTH, renin, aldosterone
Associated Anomalies
Undescended testes 9.2%
Inguinal hernia 9%
Utricle in 11%
Renal anomalies 1%
Wilms tumour, renal agenesis
Pelvic kidney, horse show kidney etc.
Severe reflux.