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Hypospadias for parents

Dr Shandip Kumar Sinha Experience in Hypospadias Repair


Dr Shandip Kumar Sinha has extensive interest and experience in hypospadias repair. Apart from observing, understanding and performing basics of hypospadias repair during training days during Mch in high volume Centre like KGMU Lucknow, where he has been exposed to more than 100 cases of different types of Hypospadias, he continued his interest in Hypospadias surgery. After that, as faculty in high volume canters of CNBC and MAMC, he was exposed to average of 100 cases per year, where he taught and researched on various aspect, including genetics, of Hypospadias.  During his last five years in corporate sector, he is performing many cases of hypospadias per year. This includes redo international cases also. The results of the surgery can be seen by medical personals in section- Hypospadias for Medical Personals.


Dr Shandip kumar sinha thesis in MCh(Pediatric Surgery) was on assessment of Surgical techniques in Anterior and Mid penile Hypospadias


Thesis faculty/ Coguide/Guide

  • After MCh, he continued his interset in hpospadias repair in Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya and Maulala Azad Medical College, Delhi, India as faculty. Apart from operating hypospadias, he helped students in thesis on hypospadias (Role of uroflowmetry before and after hypospadias repair) and had publications in topic of hypospadias. 

Publications on Hypospadias

  • Kureel SN, Vasudeva P, Sinha SK  , Dalela D. “Limited” double dorsal dartos flap coverage. An effective alternative to conventional flap coverage of the neourethra following Mathieu repair for subcoronal hypospadias. Int Urol Nephrol.  2008 ;40 :569-72.PubMed

  • Dhua AK, Aggarwal SK, Sinha SK, Ratan Simmi K. Soft tissue covers in hypospadias surgery: Is tunica vaginalis better than Dartos flap? J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2012 Jan;17(1): 16-19.PubMed

  • Ratan SK, Sharma A, Kapoor S, Polipalli SK, Dubey D, Mishra TK, Sinha SK, Agarwal SK. Polymorphism of 3′ UTR of MAMLD1 gene is also associated with increased risk of isolated hypospadias in Indian children: a preliminary report  Pediatr Surg Int. 2016 May;32(5):515-24.PubMed


My recent Experience of Hypospadias cases at Medanta Gurugram


Dr Shandip Kumar Sinha

Pediatric Surgeon,Paediatric Urologist and Paediatric Laparoscopic Surgeon

Avaialble At:

Medanta,The Medicity Gurugram , Medanta Mediclinic, South Delhi,Medanta Hospital Lucknow and Medanta Hospital, Patna India

For appointment
contact 0124-4141414 or

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