Bolalar jarrohi, bolalar urologi va bolalar laparoskopik jarrohi
Ota -onalar uchun ma'lumot
Bu nima kasallik?
Gipospadiya-jinsiy olatni uchida emas, balki pastki tomonida joylashgan uretral go'shtni ("pesh-teshik") anglatadi. Ochiq jinsiy olatning pastki qismida, ko'z oldida joylashgan bo'lishi mumkin yoki hatto umuman bo'lmasligi mumkin, siydik jinsiy olatni orqasida siydik pufagidan chiqadi.
Qanday tashxis qo'yiladi?
Gipospadiya - bu faqat klinik tekshiruv orqali aniqlanadi.
Qanday davolanadi?
Jarrohlik - bu kasallikni davolashning yagona usuli.
Qachon operatsiya qilish kerak?
Gipospadiya uchun jarrohlik olatni kattaligiga qarab 9 oylikdan keyin bajarilishi kerak.
Davolashning boshqa muqobil usullari bormi?
Bunday holatda tibbiy boshqaruv muvaffaqiyatli bo'lmaydi.
Bolani operatsiya qilishdan oldin nimani bilishim kerak?
Veb -saytdagi "Farzandingiz operatsiyasidan oldin bilishingiz kerak bo'lgan hamma narsa" ma'lumot kitobchasini o'qing.
Jarrohlik qanday amalga oshiriladi?
Jarroh terini jinsiy olatni yoki prepusni ishlatadi jinsiy olatni uchidan uretral teshik ochilishi uchun naycha yaratish. Ba'zida bosqichma -bosqich jarrohlik kerak bo'ladi
Jarrohlik haqida batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun jarrohingizga murojaat qiling
Tegishli fotosuratlar va videolar
Bu erda o'qish uchun men qilgan qadamlarning bir nechta fotosuratlari berilgan
Reconstruction of urethra can be performed in a single stage or in a two-stage procedure.
As a general rule , a single-stage repair is appropriate for distal, mid shaft and proximal hypospadias without significant chordee.
A two-stage repair is generally reserved for penoscrotal, scrotal and perineal hypospadias with chordee.
To correct hypospadias and achieve a terminal meatus( urethroplasty), one may use one of the following tissues:
Urethral plate
Urethral plate (UP) augmentation
Urethral plate (UP) replacement
The author prefer tubularisation of the urethral plate as their preferred one-stage method in children with wide urethral plate(>9mm). However, whenever in doubt, authors prefer to augment urethra, either by perimeatal flap or lateral based flap, even in anterior hypospadias
Meatoplasty and Glanuloplasty.
Creation of wide meatus at tip is aim in all hypospadias repair. the two steps, meatoplasty and glanuloplasty deal with this part of repair. However, it should be kept in mind that tight repair of glans can lead to meatal stenosis, needing dilatation a d many other complications.
In hypospadias with pulled up scrotum, release of chordee leads to normal position of scrotum. in children with penoscrotal transposition, this step can be combined with or can be done in another step of hypospadias repair
skin cover
skin rearrangement os done to either give circumcised look or prepucioplasty is done to give normal appearance. Prepucioplasty is associated with more chances of complication.