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Hypospadias for parents

Admissions and preoperative steps

Patient Room

Where will we go after admission?

  • When your child’s admission process is completed, you will be directed to go to the allotted ward.

  • Patient care require that we limit the number of persons in this area. Two parents/ adults are allowed with pediatric patients in the ward. Anyone else with you should remain in the ground  floor waiting area.

  • Please get confirmation regarding clearance for surgery from room No 3 in UG floor( Green light in internal language)

Instructions for Eating and Drinking Before Surgery- General Guidelines

Your child’s stomach must be completely empty when surgery begins. The specific instructions on when your child should stop eating and drinking will depend upon schedule of surgery and anaesthetist/surgeon will give you exact time. This decision will be based on your child’s type of surgery, age, and health.

If these important safety guidelines are not followed, your child’s surgery may be delayed or cancelled.

If your infant is having surgery early in the morning, please wake him/her during the night to breastfeed or give clear liquids to drink .

First Aid

Medications on the day of surgery

If your child has to take medication on the day of surgery (if recommended by surgeon or anaesthetist), please give it with a small sip of water or apple juice.

Pre-operative assessment


When you are called to ward, you will be greeted by a nurse who will check your child’s temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, and review questions about his/her health. Your child will be given a hospital gown and an ID bracelet to wear. You will be seen by a pediatrician /surgeon/anesthetist who will review the proposed surgical procedure(s). To make sure that you understand the procedure, you will be asked to sign an informed consent on behalf of your child (if you haven’t already signed earlier). An intravenous cannula will be required for surgery; Depending on the situation, it may be done in ward or in OT or during induction of anesthesia. So don’t worry about it. Investigations, if required before surgery, will be sent now( if not done earlier).

While you are in the pre-op area, you may be asked the similar/same questions several times. Do not be alarmed – this is our way of ensuring patient safety.


Shifting to the OT

  • Your child will be shifted to the  OT with a staff when they get a call from OT. We try to follow our surgical schedule as closely as possible; however, unexpected delays may occur. We appreciate your patience.

  • In order to reduce anxiety, we allow one parent or caregiver into the pre operating room. This is to ensure that the child is comfortable and feels secure in parental presence. We also allow one toy/phone/ipad (we will disinfect them) inside the theatre.

  •  While your child is our responsibility during his/her surgery, we insist that you eat and drink during this time. You would want to sit next to your child after the surgery for a couple of hours.

Dr. Shandip Kumar Sinha

Pediatra  Cirurgião, Urologista Pediátrico e Cirurgião Laparoscópico Pediátrico

Disponível em:

Hospital Infantil Madhukar Rainbow, Malviya Nagar, Delhi, Índia

Para nomeação

contato  ou WhattaApp +919971336008


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