Chirurgien pédiatrique, Urologue pédiatrique et Chirurgien laparoscopique pédiatrique
Hypospadias for parents
Risk and complications of hypospadias surgery

How successful is hypospadias surgery in babies?
A hypospadias repair has a high rate of success. Most repairs last a lifetime, and child’s penis will function normally and healthily.
Complications - Early
All surgical procedures carry some risk. Some early risks of hypospadias repair include:
Anesthesia risks.
Healing problems.
Mass of clotted blood (hematoma).

Medium to long term complications

Wounds break down. The transplanted skin may not take to the new area.
Urethrocutaneous fistula. A urethrocutaneous (yer-ree-thro-cue-tay-nee-us) fistula is a hole that forms in the skin of your child's penis and is deep enough to reach their urethra. Pee may leak from a fistula. A fistula may form months or years after a hypospadias repair.
Urethral stricture. Scarring can narrow their urethra. A narrow urethra can affect how pee flows and create pressure on their kidneys, prostate, bladder and testicles (testes).
Urethral diverticulum. A bulge in their urethra forms a fluid-filled pouch.
Shortening of the penis. If you or your child has a hypospadias repair during puberty or post-puberty, their penis may get shorter.
Recurrent curvature of the penis. Sometimes after a procedure, their penis may return to its previous curved shape.
Other complications
Weak pee stream or pain when peeing.
Pain in testicles, sides or lower back.
Lumps or hard spots on the penis.
Discomfort during sex.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs).