Cirujano pediatra, urólogo pediatra y cirujano laparoscópico pediatra
Hypospadias for parents
Hypospadias surgery

What is hypospadias repair/surgery?
Hypospadias repair is a surgery that corrects the position of the urethra on childs penis. It may be a one- or two-stage procedure, depending on severity. The procedure may take up to two hours to complete. Risks include bruising, infection, swelling, fistulas, and shortening of penis. Most people fully recover after six weeks.
Is surgery necessary for hypospadias?
Most of the hypospadias except Glanular variety needs surgical correction. Two main objectives of hypospadias repair is to make urinating (peeing) and achieving orgasm (ejaculating) easier and more comfortable. If your child has minor hypospadias, they may not need a hypospadias repair.
The advantages of hypospadias repair include:
Reconstructing your child's urethra to the tip of their penis to allow for normal peeing and ejaculating.
Straightening their penis.
Improved appearance.

At what age Hypospadias repair is recommended?
The ideal age of repair is controversial, although most surgeons agree that repair should be completed before school admissions i.e. three years of age. The typically recommended age for a hypospadias repair is between nine months to two years of age.
Is hypospadias repair a major surgery?
A hypospadias repair is major surgery and is done under General Anaesthesia. Mostly one surgery is sufficient. However , some cases of complicated hypospadias require several extensive procedures