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Hypospadias for parents
Hypospadias- Introduction

What is hypospadias?
Hypospadias is a condition in which the opening of the urethra( through which child passes urine) is on the underside of penis rather than the tip. This condition is present since birth and is more common in infants with a family history of hypospadias. It is often associated with curved penis (Chordee) and the preputial skin is not completely formed. The baby may spray while urinating. It usually requires surgical correction to restore the proper flow of urine.
What are the different varieties of Hypospadias?
In boys with hypospadias, the urethra forms abnormally during weeks 8–14 of pregnancy. The abnormal opening can form anywhere from just below the end of the penis to the scrotum. There are different degrees of hypospadias; some can be minor and some more severe.
Depending upon the location of opening of meatus( urinary opening) hypospadias is classified into three types
Anterior hypospadias
Mid penile hypospadias
Posterior hypospadias
It is also subclassified according to exact location of opening of urethra. ( see photo)

How common is Hypospadias?
Researchers estimate that about 1 in every 200 babies is born with hypospadias in the United States,making it one of the most common birth defects. Data is lacking from Indian subcontienet. Milder forms of hypospadias (subcoronal) are more common than severe forms (penoscrotal).
What are the risk factors that affect the risk of having a baby with hypospadias?
CDC, USA researchers have reported factors that affect the risk of having a baby boy with hypospadias:
Age and weight: Mothers who were age 35 years or older and who were considered obese had a higher risk of having a baby with hypospadias.
Fertility treatments: Women who used assisted reproductive technology to help with pregnancy had a higher risk of having a baby with hypospadias.
Certain hormones: Women who took certain hormones just before or during pregnancy were shown to have a higher risk of having a baby with hypospadias.